Post #8: Pick a Card, Any Card

One of my favorite games as a kid was Ogre Battle, which has a big influence on the kinds of games I like to play and has also been a big influence on Holdfast Gate.

A part that really stuck with me was the tarot reading at the beginning of the game that helps determine your starting build and party. I've implemented something similar, but instead of just a singular reading at the beginning of the game, you'll have a "reading" each time you start a new map. Victory Points you earn from clearing maps can be spent to unlock new classes, characters, map types, etc., and there is some randomness to which questions you are asked each time.

This reading also serves to customize the Lord Regent character, who currently can have one of 4 portraits, each with 11 weapon/stance choices, giving a good variety of options. Each time you clear a map, you can select a different class or weapon, so you're not locked down by your initial choice. Mix it up! 


Gotta love a twin dagger build!

I am currently working on a long-term progression where your base stats increase over time, and you can bring equipment, characters, and other benefits from one playthrough into the next. There will be several cycles of clearing maps and unlocking new systems and challenges, keeping things engaging and interesting!

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